10 Amazing Benefits or Uses of Virtual Reality in 2022
Artificial Intelligence

10 Amazing Benefits or Uses of Virtual Reality in 2024

Science and technology have advanced in ways that would have been almost unimaginable in the past decades. Amongst all other technological innovations that have enlightened mankind today, the profound impact of Virtual Reality (VR) can be felt vividly around us.  

From using VR headgears in an escape room to even training medical students, incorporating VR has opened up new opportunities in various sectors. VR technology has especially benefitted businesses worldwide and holds the potential to change the world thriving around us for the better.  

In this article, let us take a look at 10 amazing uses of virtual reality that have turned the world around:  

Know more: The Future of VR and AR in Education

Best 10 Uses of Virtual Reality (VR) in 2024:

1. Recruiting and training employees 

With the help of VR technology, the companies can now expose the new employees to real-life work challenges and scenarios and then see how they tackle them.

Furthermore, the use of VR also offers new employees a way to experience how their new work life is going to be and, therefore, helps them to prepare for it. VR headgears also allow companies to train all their employees at once, even if they may be situated at different geographic locations.  

2. Escape room games 

The use of VR in escape room games has made these games even more realistic than ever possible. It has facilitated the escape room owners to offer an immensely immersive gaming experience without spending much on sets and props.  

With the help of VR technology, escape room ventures can now offer realistic and authentic escape games, even with a low investment. They no longer have to renovate the entire game room just because they wish to offer a new theme. All game owners need to invest in are the VR headgears themselves!  

Vr, Virtual Reality, Man, Technology

Source: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2018/07/24/19/08/vr-3559837__340.jpg 

3. Less painful dental checkups 

We all fear when we have to visit the dentist. But with VR technology, that fear can now be eroded. The judicious use of VR can help dentists keep their patients distracted from the pain and anxiety they originally filled up with.  

Dentist, Dental Care, Dentistry, Teeth

Source: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/07/23/10/44/dentist-2530990__340.jpg 

A recent study was conducted on approximately 79 patients, and wherein one-third were given VR headgears. It was reported that patients wearing the VR headgears experienced significantly less pain. The calming scene shown on VR helped soothe the otherwise anxious patients.  

4. More collaboration at work 

VR technology has enabled companies to usher in greater collaboration amongst employees without relocating them. Especially with companies that work with remote workers spread across different locations, a greater amount of coordination and teamwork can be brought in with VR.  

The immense need for teamwork cannot be ignored by companies if they wish to succeed. So, with the help of innovative VR technology, companies can now host meetings without meeting face-to-face! 

5. Help paraplegics regain bodily functions. 

Wheelchair, Disability, Paraplegic

Source: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/08/15/16/12/wheelchair-1595794__340.jpg 

Studies conducted by Duke University could unearth the immense vitality of using VR technology in the medical field to help paraplegic patients. These patients were given a VR headgear to put on, after which they were asked to move through a virtual stadium setting as soccer players.  

Such an activity gradually helped paraplegics gain some brain functions linked with moving their legs. Out of all the patients tested, some regained a little control of the mobility of their legs, and the others became partial paraplegics from full paraplegics.  

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6. Treatment of PTSD 

The general treatment for PTSD is exposure therapy, wherein patients are pushed toward remembering their traumas and visualizing them through their imagination. As they re-experience their traumas, the PTSD patients thereby recount them to the doctors.  

VR is also used to do the same thing. With the help of VR headgears, patients enter a virtual world with custom-made elements. Then, the patients are asked to narrate what is happening to them.  

7. Training medical students 

Resuscitation, Help, Unconscious

Source: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2019/05/20/00/25/resuscitation-4215647__340.jpg 

Training of medical students can be done rather seamlessly with the help of VR technology. It helps medical students to learn and acquire work experience in a much more hackle-free manner.  

It can help them learn even how a delicate surgery is conducted carefully. It also allows students to increase their hours of practice as they train in a virtual setting, and any risk to the lives of real patients can be eliminated.  

Read more: How is Virtual Reality Transforming the Education Industry?

8. Pain Management – Uses of Virtual Reality

Distraction therapy, which is made possible with the help of VR technology, has helped doctors to help their patients handle the pain as they undergo any surgery. A study conducted back in 2011 revealed how the use of VR-enabled games helped patients cope with the pain of surgery rather than the use of morphine.  

9. Treatment of anxiety attacks 

Anxiety attacks have become a common scenario all across the world today. A certain virtual reality game known as “Deep” is found to be helpful for patients suffering from anxiety attacks.  

In the game, the players are exposed to a natural setting, guiding them through deep belly breathing exercises to combat fear and anxiety. 

10. Development of social skills in autistic patients 

Autism is known to affect the patient’s social skills, interaction, and reasoning abilities. But with the help of VR technology, the brain activity of the patients can be given a boost and thereby help the patients in managing their conditions better than before.  

This is done by introducing patients to varying social scenarios and then relying on medical and psychological training to bring out their best behavior. It helps autistic patients to practice before such an occasion arises for real. 

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In this way, as you may understand by now, VR technology has certainly been highly beneficial. While we look at how it has revolutionized the world today, we can only wonder what more can we expect from VR in the coming times!  

We hope you liked the article on the Uses of Virtual Reality, if you have any other benefits in your mind then please share with them in the comments.


  • Prabhakar Atla Image

    I'm Prabhakar Atla, an AI enthusiast and digital marketing strategist with over a decade of hands-on experience in transforming how businesses approach SEO and content optimization. As the founder of AICloudIT.com, I've made it my mission to bridge the gap between cutting-edge AI technology and practical business applications. Whether you're a content creator, educator, business analyst, software developer, healthcare professional, or entrepreneur, I specialize in showing you how to leverage AI tools like ChatGPT, Google Gemini, and Microsoft Copilot to revolutionize your workflow. My decade-plus experience in implementing AI-powered strategies has helped professionals in diverse fields automate routine tasks, enhance creativity, improve decision-making, and achieve breakthrough results.

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